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Oklahoma Hemp: A Brief History


  • 1942 - Farmers across the nation were encouraged to grow “Hemp for Victory” during World War II because other industrial fibers were in short supply.

  • 1945 - Hemp farms that had been growing to assist the war effort were told to halt production after the war ended.

  • 2014 - After the passage of the 2014 Farm Bill, Oklahoma started the Oklahoma Industrial Hemp Agricultural Pilot Program which allowed businesses to begin applying for licenses to grow hemp in conjunction with a state university or college.

  • 2018 - The 2018 version of the Farm Bill legalized the production of industrial hemp at the Federal level.

  • June 2018 - Herb’s Herbs received our very first license to cultivate industrial hemp through the Farm Bill and the Oklahoma Industrial Hemp Agricultural Pilot Program.

  • October 2018 - Herb’s Herbs harvested the first legal industrial hemp in Oklahoma in over 70 years.

The Herb’s Herbs Mission


Our goal at Herb’s Herbs is to educate farmers nationwide to help reduce the learning curve on how to get involved in, start growing, and eventually harvest this exciting new crop.


We accomplish this goal through education around hemp growing techniques and by working with farmers to provide the latest varieties of sungrown industrial hemp in the form of unrooted cuttings and clones. All while creating and maintaining a network of farmers, testing facilities, and processors that our customers can rely upon to get their industrial hemp crop to market.


If you would like more information about getting started in the hemp industry, want to work with our network of industrial hemp professionals, or are looking to purchase industrial hemp seed, seedlings, clones, flower, or fiber, don’t hesitate; give us a call. You can reach us at 833-437-2743 or by emailing

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